package Net::SMTP::Server::Client; require 5.001; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT); require Exporter; require AutoLoader; #use Carp; use IO::Socket; @ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader); @EXPORT = qw(); $VERSION = '1.2.7'; my %_cmds = ( DATA => \&_data, EXPN => \&_noway, HELO => \&_hello, HELP => \&_help, MAIL => \&_mail, NOOP => \&_noop, QUIT => \&_quit, RCPT => \&_receipt, RSET => \&_reset, VRFY => \&_noway, # EHLO => \&_ehlo, AUTH => \&_auth, ); my %_auths = ( LOGIN => \&_auth_login, PLAIN => \&_auth_plain, ); my @_auths = qw( LOGIN PLAIN ); # Utility functions. sub _put { my $self = shift; print { $self->{SOCK} } "@_\r\n"; if ( $self->{DEBUG} or $self->{DEBUG_LOG} ) { print { $self->{log_fh} } "S: ", @_, "\n"; } } sub _reset { my $self = shift; $self->{FROM} = undef; $self->{TO} = []; # $self->{authmethod} = undef; $self->{user} = undef; $self->{pass} = undef; $self->_put("250 Fine fine."); } ### # Set forced SMTP Auth sub force_login { my $self = shift; my $val = shift; if ( defined $val ) { $self->{FORCE_LOGIN} = $val; } return $self->{FORCE_LOGIN}; } # Set debug level sub debug { my $self = shift; my $val = shift; if ( defined $val ) { $self->{DEBUG} = $val; } return $self->{DEBUG}; } # Set debug log sub debug_log { my $self = shift; my $val = shift; if ( defined ($val) and length($val) and $val ) { $self->{DEBUG_LOG} = $val; # Workaround wegen Problemen mit STDERR auf Windows close $self->{log_fh}; delete $self->{log_fh}; open( $self->{log_fh}, '>>', $self->{DEBUG_LOG} ) or die "Cant open debug log '$self->{DEBUG_LOG}'"; flock $self->{log_fh},0; use IO::Handle; $self->{log_fh}->autoflush(1); } return $self->{DEBUG_LOG}; } ### New instance. sub new { my ( $this, $sock ) = @_; my $class = ref($this) || $this; my $self = {}; $self->{DEBUG} = 0; # Debuglevel $self->{DEBUG_LOG} = undef; # Logfile $self->{FORCE_LOGIN} = 1; # SMTP-Authentifizierung erzwingen $self->{log_fh} = *STDERR; # output debug info to STDERR $self->{FROM} = undef; $self->{TO} = []; $self->{MSG} = undef; $self->{SOCK} = $sock; # $self->{authmethod} = undef; $self->{user} = undef; $self->{pass} = undef; $self->{logindb} = undef; # bless( $self, $class ); die "No client connection specified." unless defined( $self->{SOCK} ); return $self; } sub process { my $self = shift; my ( $cmd, @args ); $self->_put("220 MacGyver SMTP Ready."); my $sock = $self->{SOCK}; while ( my $line = <$sock> ) { chomp $line; if ( $self->{DEBUG} or $self->{DEBUG_LOG} ) { print { $self->{log_fh} } "C: ", $line, "\n"; } # Clean up. $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/\s+$//; if ( not length $line ) { $self->_put("500 Learn to type!"); next; } ( $cmd, @args ) = split /\s+/, $line; $cmd =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; if ( !defined( $_cmds{$cmd} ) ) { $self->_put("500 Learn to type!"); next; } return ( defined( $self->{MSG} ) ? 1 : 0 ) unless &{ $_cmds{$cmd} }( $self, \@args ); } return undef; } # ------------------ use Sys::Hostname; sub _ehlo { my $self = shift; my @args = @{ shift() }; my $host = Sys::Hostname::hostname; $self->_put("250-$host Hello @args"); $self->_put("250 AUTH @_auths"); } sub logindb { my $self = shift; $self->{logindb}{path} = shift; 1; } sub __check_login { my ( $self, $user, $pass ) = @_; return if not length $user; return if not length $pass; die "Login database ", $self->{logindb}{path}, " missing!" if not length $self->{logindb}{path}; if ( open my $db, '<', $self->{logindb}{path} ) { my @logins = <$db>; chomp @logins; my ($line) = grep /^\Q$user\E\s/, @logins; my ( $found_user, $found_pass ) = split /\s+/, $line; return ( $found_user eq $user and $found_pass eq $pass ); } else { die "Login database ", $self->{logindb}{path}, " missing!"; } } use MIME::Base64; sub _auth_plain { my $self = shift; my @args = @{ shift() }; my $line; if ( not @args ) { $self->_put("334"); my $sock = $self->{SOCK}; $line = <$sock>; chomp $line; if ( $self->{DEBUG} or $self->{DEBUG_LOG} ) { print { $self->{log_fh} } "C: ", $line, "\n"; } } else { $line = "@args"; } chomp $line; ( undef, $self->{user}, $self->{pass}, undef ) = ( split /\x00/, decode_base64($line) ); } sub _auth_login { my $self = shift; my $sock = $self->{SOCK}; if ( not length $self->{user} ) { $self->_put("334 VXNlcm5hbWU6"); # Username: $self->{user} = <$sock>; chomp $self->{user}; if ( $self->{DEBUG} or $self->{DEBUG_LOG} ) { print { $self->{log_fh} } "C: ", $self->{user}, "\n"; } $self->{user} = decode_base64( $self->{user} ); } if ( not length $self->{pass} ) { $self->_put("334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6"); # Password: $self->{pass} = <$sock>; chomp $self->{pass}; if ( $self->{DEBUG} or $self->{DEBUG_LOG} ) { print { $self->{log_fh} } "C: ", $self->{pass}, "\n"; } $self->{pass} = decode_base64( $self->{pass} ); } } sub _auth { my $self = shift; my $args = shift; $self->{authmethod} = shift @$args; $self->{loggedin} = undef; $self->{user} = undef; $self->{pass} = undef; if ( $_auths{ $self->{authmethod} } ) { &{ $_auths{ $self->{authmethod} } }( $self, $args ) ; #get login with AUTH .... if ( $self->{user} and $self->{pass} ) { $self->{loggedin} = $self->__check_login( $self->{user}, $self->{pass} ); } if ( not length $self->{user} ) { $self->_put("503 OMG. I cant gess your user login!"); } elsif ( not length $self->{pass} ) { $self->_put("503 Really? Give me your password!"); } elsif ( $self->{loggedin} ) { $self->_put("235 2.7.0 Authentication successful"); } else { $self->_put( "535 Authentication failed. Restarting authentication process." ); } } else { $self->_put("504 Authentication mechanism not supported."); } } # ---------- sub _fromto { my $self = shift; my ( $which, $var, $args ) = @_; if ( !( $$args[0] =~ /^$which\s*([^\s]+)/i ) ) { if ( !$$args[1] || !( $$args[0] =~ /^$which$/i ) ) { $self->_put("501 Bzzzz."); return -1; } ref($var) eq 'ARRAY' ? ( push @$var, $$args[1] ) : ( $$var = $$args[1] ); } ref($var) eq 'ARRAY' ? ( push @$var, $1 ) : ( $$var = $1 ) unless !defined($1); $self->_put("250 it."); } sub _mail { my $self = shift; return $self->_fromto( 'FROM:', \$self->{FROM}, @_ ); } sub _receipt { my $self = shift; return $self->_fromto( 'TO:', \@{ $self->{TO} }, @_ ); } sub _data { my $self = shift; my $done = undef; if ( !defined( $self->{FROM} ) ) { $self->_put("503 Yeah, right. Tell me who you are first!"); return 1; } if ( !defined( $self->{TO} ) ) { $self->_put( "503 You want me to read your mind? Tell me who to send it to!"); return 1; } if ( $self->{FORCE_LOGIN} and not $self->{loggedin} ) { $self->_put("530 5.7.0 Authentication required"); return 1; } $self->_put("354 Give it to me, big daddy."); my $sock = $self->{SOCK}; while ( my $line = <$sock> ) { if ( $self->{DEBUG} or $self->{DEBUG_LOG} ) { print { $self->{log_fh} } "C: ", $line; } if ( $line =~ /^\.\r\n$/ ) { $done = 1; last; } # RFC 821 compliance. $line =~ s/^\.\./\./; $self->{MSG} .= $line; } if ( !defined($done) ) { $self->_put("550 Fine...who needs you anyway!"); return 1; } $self->_put("250 I got it darlin'."); } sub _noway { shift->_put("252 Nice try."); } sub _noop { shift->_put("250 Whatever."); } sub _help { my $self = shift; my $i = 0; my $str = "214-Commands\r\n"; my $total = keys(%_cmds); foreach ( sort( keys(%_cmds) ) ) { if ( !( $i++ % 5 ) ) { if ( ( $total - $i ) < 5 ) { $str .= "\r\n214 "; } else { $str .= "\r\n214-"; } } else { $str .= ' '; } $str .= $_; } $self->_put($str); } sub _quit { my $self = shift; $self->_put("221 Good."); $self->{SOCK}->close; return 0; } sub _hello { shift->_put("250 You're polite."); } 1; __END__ # POD begins here. =head1 NAME Net::SMTP::Server::Client - Client session handling for Net::SMTP::Server. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Carp; use Net::SMTP::Server; use Net::SMTP::Server::Client; use Net::SMTP::Server::Relay; $server = new Net::SMTP::Server('localhost', 25) || croak("Unable to handle client connection: $!\n"); while($conn = $server->accept()) { # We can perform all sorts of checks here for spammers, ACLs, # and other useful stuff to check on a connection. # Handle the client's connection and spawn off a new parser. # This can/should be a fork() or a new thread, # but for simplicity... my $client = new Net::SMTP::Server::Client($conn) || croak("Unable to handle client connection: $!\n"); # Process the client. This command will block until # the connecting client completes the SMTP transaction. $client->process || next; # In this simple server, we're just relaying everything # to a server. If a real server were implemented, you # could save email to a file, or perform various other # actions on it here. my $relay = new Net::SMTP::Server::Relay($client->{FROM}, $client->{TO}, $client->{MSG}); } =head1 DESCRIPTION The Net::SMTP::Server::Client module implements all the session handling required for a Net::SMTP::Server::Client connection. The above example demonstrates how to use Net::SMTP::Server::Client with Net::SMTP::Server to handle SMTP connections. $client = new Net::SMTP::Server::Client($conn) Net::SMTP::Server::Client accepts one argument that must be a handle to a connection that will be used for communication. Once you have a new client session, simply call: $client->process This processes an SMTP transaction. THIS MAY APPEAR TO HANG -- ESPECIALLY IF THERE IS A LARGE AMOUNT OF DATA BEING SENT. Once this method returns, the server will have processed an entire SMTP transaction, and is ready to continue. Once $client->process returns, various fields have been filled in. Those are: $client->{TO} -- This is an array containing the intended recipients for this message. There may be multiple recipients for any given message. $client->{FROM} -- This is the sender of the given message. $client->{MSG} -- The actual message data. :) =head1 AUTHOR AND COPYRIGHT Net::SMTP::Server / SMTP::Server is Copyright(C) 1999, MacGyver (aka Habeeb J. Dihu) . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You may distribute this package under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file. =head1 SEE ALSO Net::SMTP::Server::Server, Net::SMTP::Server::Relay =cut