ppm> rep add RothConsultion http://www.roth.net/perl/packages Repositories: [1] ActiveState PPM2 Repository [2] ActiveState Package Repository [3] perlxml [4] crazy58 [5] datetime [6] Apache.Org [7] RothConsultion ppm> search dbm Searching in Active Repositories 1. DBM-DBass [0.54] DBM with associative arrays, file locking and XML records 2. DBM-DBass [0.54] DBM with associative arrays, file locking and XML records 3. fldbm [0.20] 4. fldbm [0.01] (none) 5. fldbm [0.20] (none) 6. GDBM_File [] The GDBM_File for Win32 X86 7. MLDBM [2.01] store multi-level hash structure in single level tied hash 8. MLDBM-Sync [0.30] safe concurrent access to MLDBM databases 9. MLDBM-TinyDB [0.20] 10. MLDBM-TinyDB [0.20] (none) 11. RDBMS [0.93] Relational Database Management System for Msql 12. RDBMS [0.93] Relational Database Management System for Msql 13. YAML-MLDBM [0.10] Use tied hash db-s with Python and Ruby 14. YAML-MLDBM [0.10] (none) ppm> install 6