Can't locate object method "TELL" via package "Buffer" at /Library/Perl/5.8.8/Smart/ line 437 (#1) (F) You called a method correctly, and it correctly indicated a package functioning as a class, but that package doesn't define that particular method, nor does any of its base classes. See perlobj. Uncaught exception from user code: Can't locate object method "TELL" via package "Buffer" at /Library/Perl/5.8.8/Smart/ line 437. at /Library/Perl/5.8.8/Smart/ line 437 Smart::Comments::_Dump('pref', 'VERSION:', 'var', 'ARRAY(0x800d80)') called at /Users/gerd/htdocs/_meltingmind_root_/sitescriptorde/cgi-bin/sitescriptor/ line 53