/usr/bin/perl5 -I/home/strato/www/me/www.meinedomain.de/htdocs/cgi-bin/cgipan/mylib Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/strato/www/me/www.meinedomain.de/htdocs/cgi-bin/cgipan/mylib LIB=/home/strato/www/me/www.meinedomain.de/htdocs/cgi-bin/cgipan/mylib 2>&1: Warning: prerequisite CGI 3.26 not found at (eval 2) line 222. Warning: prerequisite Data::Dumper not found at (eval 2) line 222. Warning: prerequisite Digest::MD5 not found at (eval 2) line 222. Warning: prerequisite Scalar::Util not found at (eval 2) line 222. Warning: prerequisite Test::More not found at (eval 2) line 222. ---------------------------------------- #### WARNING #### If you are using custom CGI::Session drivers they may not be compatible with the current driver specifications. You will need to make some changes to your drivers' code before proceeding with this installation to make it compatible with CGI::Session 4.x. Fortunately, current driver specifications are a lot easier to adapt to. Should you have any assistance re-coding your current drivers, please let me know. Current driver specs are documented in CGI/Session/Driver.pm #### TESTING ##### You are encouraged to run tests for the backend you will be using. The database backends that need a customized connection string won't run by default. To run them, some environment variables must be set. The simplest method is to use the standard "DBI_DSN/DBI_USER/DBI_PASS" environment variables. Otherwise, you can set these variables: For PostgreSQL: CGISESS_PG_DSN CGISESS_PG_USER CGISESS_PG_PASS For MySQL: CGISESS_MYSQL_DSN CGISESS_MYSQL_USER CGISESS_MYSQL_PASS CGISESS_MYSQL_SOCKET ---------------------------------------- Warning: Module::Metadata::Changes's ini.report.pl failed to generate or update Changelog.ini. ---------------------------------------- 'ABSTRACT' is not a known MakeMaker parameter name. 'AUTHOR' is not a known MakeMaker parameter name. 'EXTRA_META' is not a known MakeMaker parameter name. Writing Makefile for CGI::Session I didn't find CGI (version 3.26). You may find it here: CGI