CPAN: File::HomeDir loaded ok (v0.86) CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.21) Going to read C:\Perl\cpan\Metadata Database was generated on Mon, 21 Sep 2009 10:27:00 GMT CPAN: LWP::UserAgent loaded ok (v5.829) CPAN: Time::HiRes loaded ok (v1.9711) Fetching with LWP: CPAN: YAML::Syck loaded ok (v1.07) Alert: While trying to 'parse' YAML file 'C:\Perl\cpan\FTPstats.yml' with 'YAML::Syck' the following error was encountered: Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at C:\Perl\site\lib/YAML/ line 72.