#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # History: # conray - 19.02.2010 : 19:31 UTC - initial version with ping (-ping) # betterworld - 19.02.2010 : 19:44 UTC - minor changes # esskar - 19.02.2010 : 20:27 UTC - changes on ping, and dump myself command (-dump) # topeg - 19.02.2010 : 00:02 UTC - addded mirror # Kalle - 01.03.2010 - added technology assimilation automation # conray - 02.02.2010 21:07 - added Helpfunktion (-help) and changes on Ping-Parameter # conray - 03.02.2010 19:28 - added Password-Generator (-pwgen) #conray - 08.03.2010 21:35 - added print location (-whereami) use FindBin; use Net::Ping; #EierlegendeWollMilchSau.pl my $cmd = lc shift @ARGV; if ($cmd eq '-ping' ) #ping { my $ip = shift @ARGV or die "No ip."; my @r = split(/\./, $ip); my $till = shift(@ARGV) || $r[3]; my $until = $till + 1; while ($r[3] < $until ) { $ip = join '.', @r; my $ping = Net::Ping->new('icmp', 1, 64 ); print "$ip " . ($ping->ping($ip) ? 'online' : 'offline') . "\n"; $r[3]++; } } elsif($cmd eq '-dump') { my $path = "$FindBin::Bin/$FindBin::Script"; open(my $myself, "< $path") or die "Unable to open myself ($path): $!"; while(<$myself>) { print $_; } close $myself; } elsif( $cmd eq '-devil' ) { print "So long, and thanks for all the fish.\n"; unlink $0 or die "Will not stop :'-(\n"; } elsif($cmd eq '-mirror') { my $fh=\*STDIN; my $file=shift; open($fh,'<',$file) || die("ERROR open $file ($!)") if($file); chomp($_) && print reverse($_)."\n" while(<$fh>); close($fh); } elsif($cmd eq '-assimilate') { my $newtechsource=shift @ARGV; my $borgtechnology; my $assimilationspace; my $newtechnology; my ($newcmdname)=split(/\./,$newtechsource,0); use File::Basename; my ($borgbase,$borgpath)=fileparse($0); my $newborgtechnology="${borgpath}Neue$borgbase"; if (open($borgtechnology,'<',$0)) { if (open($assimilationspace,'>',$newborgtechnology)) { if (open($newtechnology,'<',$newtechsource)) { while(<$borgtechnology>) { if (/\\t-assimilate newparam.pl\\t/) { print $assimilationspace $_; print $assimilationspace " print \"\\t-$newcmdname\\t\\t assimilated weird stuff\\n\";\n"; } elsif (/^# elsif\(MORE\) \{ \}/) { my $thisline=$_; print "Assimiliere neue Technologie...\n"; print $assimilationspace "elsif(\$cmd eq \'-$newcmdname\')\n\{\n"; while(<$newtechnology>) { next if (/^#!|^use strict;|^use warnings;/); print $assimilationspace $_; } close($newtechnology); print $assimilationspace "\}\n$thisline"; } else { print $assimilationspace $_; } } close($borgtechnology); if (close($assimilationspace)) { print "Widerstand war zwecklos!\nNeue Technologie einsetzbar: Neue$borgbase -$newcmdname\n"; } else { print "Aktivierungssequenz ungültig. Assimilation abgebrochen.\n"; } } else { print "Neue Technologie kann nicht assimiliert werden. Abbruch der Assimilation\n"; } } else { print "Fluktuation im temporären Raum-/Zeitgefüge. Abbruch der Assimilation.\n"; } } else { print "Wo sind wir ? Es ist so....leise. Bring uns nach Hause!\n"; } } elsif ($cmd eq '-pwgen') { print "How much positions your password should have?\n"; print "Note: Secure passwords have 10 positions as minimum \n"; my $input=; chomp $input; my @bletters = ("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"); my @sletters = ("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"); my @numbers = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"); my @special = ("!", "\.", "\$", "\%", "\&", "?", "\/", "\\", "\,", "-", "_", "\#", "\*", ":", "(", ")", "=", "+", "<", "§", "[", "]", "\;"); our $pw; while (length($pw) != $input) { my $n1 = int(rand(26)); my $n2 = int(rand(26)); my $n3 = int(rand(10)); my $n4 = int(rand(23)); my $z = int(rand(4)); if ($z == 0) { $pw = $pw . $bletters[$n1]; } elsif ($z == 1) { $pw = $pw . $sletters[$n2]; } elsif ($z == 2) { $pw = $pw . $numbers[$n3]; } elsif ($z == 3) { $pw = $pw . $special[$n4]; } else { print "There is bug"; exit; } } print "The generated Password is: $pw \n"; } elsif($cmd eq '-help') { print "usage: EierlegendeWollMilchSau.pl \n\n"; print "parameters:\n"; print "\t-ping [range]\t\ttrys to ping an ip or an range of ip addresses.\n"; print "\t-dump\t\t\tdumps itself to STDOUT\n"; print "\t-devil\t\t\tDon't try that\n"; print "\t-mirror [file]\t\t mirror file or STDIN\n"; print "\t-assimilate newparam.pl\t assimilate more perl code into this script\n"; #<-- don't touch this print "\t-pwgen generates an (secure) password\n"; print "\n"; } elsif ($cmd eq '-whereami') { print __FILE__; } # elsif(MORE) { } <-- don't touch this else { print "Type ./EierlegendeMilchSau.pl -help for more informations \n"; exit 0; } __END__