#!/usr/bin/perl # # Net::Twitter - OAuth desktop app example # use warnings; use strict; use Net::Twitter; use File::Spec; use Storable; use Data::Dumper; # You can replace the consumer tokens with your own; # these tokens are for the Net::Twitter example app. my %consumer_tokens = ( consumer_key => 'v8t3JILkStylbgnxGLOQ', consumer_secret => '5r31rSMc0NPtBpHcK8MvnCLg2oAyFLx5eGOMkXM', ); # $datafile = oauth_desktop.dat my (undef, undef, $datafile) = File::Spec->splitpath($0); $datafile =~ s/\..*/.dat/; my $nt = Net::Twitter->new(traits => [qw/API::REST OAuth/], %consumer_tokens); my $access_tokens = eval { retrieve($datafile) } || []; if ( @$access_tokens ) { $nt->access_token($access_tokens->[0]); $nt->access_token_secret($access_tokens->[1]); } else { my $auth_url = $nt->get_authorization_url; print " Authorize this application at: $auth_url\nThen, enter the PIN# provided to contunie: "; my $pin = ; # wait for input chomp $pin; # request_access_token stores the tokens in $nt AND returns them my @access_tokens = $nt->request_access_token(verifier => $pin); # save the access tokens store \@access_tokens, $datafile; } my $status = $nt->user_timeline({ count => 1 }); print Dumper $status;