#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use File::Find::Rule; use HTML::TokeParser; #my $file = 'school.html' my@files= File::Find::Rule->file() ->name('einzelergebnis*.html') ->in(*'.'*); my $p = HTML::TokeParser->new($file) or die "Can't open: $!"; my %school; while (my $tag = $p->get_tag('div', '/html')) { # first move to the right div that contains the information last if $tag->[0] eq '/html'; next unless exists $tag->[1]{'id'} and $tag->[1]{'id'} eq 'inhalt_large'; $p->get_tag('h1'); $school{'location'} = $p->get_text('/h1'); while (my $tag = $p->get_tag('div')) { last if exists $tag->[1]{'id'} and $tag->[1]{'id'} eq 'fusszeile'; # get the school name from the heading next unless exists $tag->[1]{'class'} and $tag->[1]{'class'} eq 'fm_linkeSpalte'; $p->get_tag('h2'); $school{'name'} = $p->get_text('/h2'); # verify format for school type $tag = $p->get_tag('span'); unless (exists $tag->[1]{'class'} and $tag->[1]{'class'} eq 'schulart_text') { warn "unexpected format: parsing stopped"; last; } $school{'type'} = $p->get_text('/span'); # verify format for address $tag = $p->get_tag('p'); unless (exists $tag->[1]{'class'} and $tag->[1]{'class'} eq 'einzel_text') { warn "unexpected format: parsing stopped"; last; } $school{'address'} = clean_address($p->get_text('/p')); # find the description $tag = $p->get_tag('p'); $school{'description'} = $p->get_text('/p'); } } print qq/$school{'name'}n/; print qq/$school{'location'}n/; print qq/$school{'type'}n/; foreach (@{$school{'address'}}) { print "$_\n"; } print qq/nDescription: $school{'description'}n/; sub clean_address { my $text = shift; my @lines = split "\n", $text; foreach (@lines) { s/^s+//; s/s+$//; } return @lines; }