################################# #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # declare the info before use ################################# # packages ################################ use IO::Socket::SSL; # TCP/IP sockets ################## # parameter declaration ################## my $host = ''; my $port = 12431; # selected-Port my $uname = "foobar"; my $pw = "foobarPW"; my $protoVer = "31"; # Protocol Version my $sock = IO::Socket::SSL->new("$host:$port"); ######################### # main procedures # output ########################## ################################## # commands system("clear"); # refresh the console ############################### print "Sandbox Environment\n"; $sock->print(qq{\0}); print "XML transfer\n"; print "Finished the Line\n"; print <$sock>; # read answer (=response) from server print "Answer from server\n"; close($sock); # Finish the connection print "Closed connection\n";