Building HTML-Mason Converting custom POD tags in files under blib DROLSKY/HTML-Mason-1.47.tar.gz C:\StrawberryPerl\perl\bin\perl.exe ./Build -- OK Running Build test Converting custom POD tags in files under blib t/01-syntax.t ...................... ok t/01a-comp-calls.t ................. ok t/02-sections.t .................... ok t/02a-filter.t ..................... ok t/04-misc.t ........................ ok t/05-request.t ..................... ok t/05a-stack-corruption.t ........... ok t/06-compiler.t .................... ok t/06a-compiler_obj.t ............... ok t/06b-compiler-named-subs.t ........ ok t/06c-compiler-spaces-path.t ....... ok t/07-interp.t ...................... ok t/07a-interp-mcr.t ................. ok (.....) t/25-flush-in-content.t ............ ok t/25-log.t ......................... ok t/99-pod.t ......................... skipped: Test::Pod 1.20 not installed. t/live/CGIHandler.t ................ * FATAL ERROR: Perl interpreter mismatch. C onfiguration was initially created with 'C:\StrawberryPerl\perl\bin\perl.exe' but we are now using 'C:\STRAWB~1\perl\bin\perl.exe'. You must run 'Build realclean' or 'make realclean' and re-configure. INIT failed--call queue aborted. t/live/CGIHandler.t ................ Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0x ff00) No subtests run t/live/apache-filter.t ............. * FATAL ERROR: Perl interpreter mismatch. C onfiguration was initially created with 'C:\StrawberryPerl\perl\bin\perl.exe' but we are now using 'C:\STRAWB~1\perl\bin\perl.exe'. You must run 'Build realclean' or 'make realclean' and re-configure. INIT failed--call queue aborted. t/live/apache-filter.t ............. Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0x ff00) No subtests run t/live/cgi-no-handler.t ............ * FATAL ERROR: Perl interpreter mismatch. C onfiguration was initially created with 'C:\StrawberryPerl\perl\bin\perl.exe' but we are now using 'C:\STRAWB~1\perl\bin\perl.exe'. You must run 'Build realclean' or 'make realclean' and re-configure. INIT failed--call queue aborted. t/live/cgi-no-handler.t ............ Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0x ff00)