if( defined glob($options{output}) ) { $xmlFile = glob($options{output}); $dumperFile = "$xmlFile.dmp"; print "\nINFO: Because of some problems with reading the xml file, a hashdump is also performed\n"; print " Name of the dumped hash is: '$dumperFile'\n"; my $xml = $xs->XMLout($rhDiffResult, KeepRoot=>1, NoAttr=>1, AttrIndent => 1 , KeyAttr=>[]); open( my $fh_out, '>', $xmlFile ) or warn "WARNING: Could not Open *$xmlFile*\n"; open( my $fh_out_dmp, '>', $dumperFile ) or warn "WARNING: Could not Open *$dumperFile*\n"; print $fh_out $xml; print $fh_out_dmp Dumper $rhDiffResult; close $fh_out; close $fh_out_dmp; } else { my $xml = $xs->XMLout($rhDiffResult, KeepRoot=>1, NoAttr=>1, AttrIndent => 1, KeyAttr => [] ); #$xs->XMLin( $xmlFile, KeepRoot => 1, NormaliseSpace => 1, ForceContent => 1, ForceArray => 1, KeyAttr => [] ); print $xml; }