package Image::Resize; # $Id:,v 1.5 2005/11/04 23:44:59 sherzodr Exp $ use strict; use Carp ('croak'); use GD; $Image::Resize::VERSION = '0.5'; # Thanks to Paul Allen for this tip GD::Image->trueColor( 1 ); sub new { my ($class, $image) = @_; unless ( $class && defined($image) ) { croak "Image::Resize->new(): usage error"; } my $gd; # Thanks to Nicholas Venturella for this tip if (ref($image) eq "GD::Image") { $gd = $image; } else { unless ( -e $image ) { croak "Image::Resize->new(): file '$image' does not exist"; } $gd = GD::Image->new($image) or die $@; } return bless { gd => $gd }, $class; } sub width { return ($_[0]->gd->getBounds)[0]; } sub height { return ($_[0]->gd->getBounds)[1]; } sub gd { return $_[0]->{gd}; } sub resize { my $self = shift; my ($width, $height, $constraint) = @_; unless ( defined $constraint ) { $constraint = 1; } unless ( $width && $height ) { croak "Image::Resize->resize(): usage error"; } if ( $constraint ) { my $k_h = $height / $self->height; my $k_w = $width / $self->width; my $k = ($k_h < $k_w ? $k_h : $k_w); $height = int($self->height * $k); $width = int($self->width * $k); } my $image = GD::Image->new($width, $height); $image->copyResampled($self->gd, 0, 0, # (destX, destY) 0, 0, # (srcX, srxY ) $width, $height, # (destX, destY) $self->width, $self->height ); return $image; } 1; __END__