0.59 Tue Jan  3 19:40:46 CET 2006 - $UNTAINT - All the "new_" constructor shortcuts were added from HTML::Template, with  tests for each. Also, the type/source option syntax to new() is now  supported. Tests were added for all these, which were generally missing from  the HTML::Template test suite. - Bug Fix: Code and Tests were were added to make sure that calls to param()  accumulate data, like HTML::Template works.   - Bug Fix: embedded newlines - New Feature: new 'default_escape' option for compatibility with HTML::Template 2.8 - Added query() tests from HTML::Template suite. (Currently TODO) - Change: use dot notation for mehtod calls and dereference - Change: literal dots in var names work now; you can't use -> for method calling  any more, just use the dot, just use the dot