#!c:/usr/bin/perl -w # --------------------------------------------------- # MODULE # --------------------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use CGI qw/:standard/; use CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser warningsToBrowser/; $CGI::POST_MAX=1024 * 100; # max 100K posts $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1; # no uploads use Data::Dumper; use vars; # --------------------------------------------------- # KONSTANTEN # --------------------------------------------------- use constant UNIX => 0; # Unix y/n # --------------------------------------------------- # VARIABLEN # --------------------------------------------------- $| = 1; my $cgi = CGI->new(); my $query = $cgi->Vars; #extract parameters my $index_file = 'c:/apache/cgi-bin/gcp/txt/index.txt'; # nr. | key | pfad my $index = 'c:/apache/cgi-bin/gcp/html/index.html'; my $domain = ''; # ---- TEMPLATE my $tmplDir = 'c:/apache/cgi-bin/gcp/html'; # Verzeichnis mit Templates my %subs = (); # global hash for &substitute substitute_key => value # ---- SETTINGS $subs{relative_url} = $cgi->url(-relative=>1); $subs{full_url} = $cgi->url(-full=>1); $subs{self} = $cgi->url(-relative=>1) . '?action='; # --------------------------------------------------- # LOGIK # --------------------------------------------------- print $cgi->header(-charset=>'ISO-8859-1', -expires=>'+1s', -type=>'text/html', ); warningsToBrowser(1); if($query->{action}){ &zeigeSeite($query->{action}); }else{ &zeigeSeite('index'); } exit( 0 ); # --------------------------------------------------- # SUBS # --------------------------------------------------- sub zeigeSeite{ my $key = $_[0]; #Schlüsselwort für Aufzurufende Seite in /txt/index.txt my $pfad = 0; my @index = extractFile( $index_file ); # print; foreach (@index){ chomp $_; if($_ =~ m/$key/ig){ $pfad = (split /\t/,$_)[2]; last; } } if($pfad eq 0){ die "zeigeSeite: $!"; } # -> Fehlerseite? my @inhalt = extractFile( $pfad ); foreach (@inhalt){ chomp $_; } # --------------------------------------------------- # DYN. INHALT $subs{titel} = (split/\|/, $inhalt[0])[2]; $subs{keywords} = (split/\|/, $inhalt[1])[2]; $subs{desc} = (split/\|/, $inhalt[2])[2]; $subs{page_topic} = (split/\|/, $inhalt[3])[2]; my $page = (split/\|/, $inhalt[4])[2]; $subs{inhalt} = join"",substitute( extractFile( $page ) ); # CONTENT auselesen & serialisieren # $subs{inhalt} =~ s/\n/ /g; print substitute( extractFile( $index ) ); # SUBSTITUTION IN INDEX.HTML # print; } #ZeigeSeite # -------------------------------------------------------- sub extractFile{ # ---- usage # my @extractedFile = extractFile( "FileName" ); # dieing if file doesn't exists my $file = $_[0]; open(DAT, "$file") || die "$! ($file)"; my @inhalt = ; close(DAT); return @inhalt; } #extractFile # -------------------------------------------------------- sub substitute{ # ---- usage # my @substitutedFile = substitute( @contentToSubstitute ); # substitute-keywords must be added to %subs (global %hash) my @err = (); # array für fehler my @file = @_; foreach my $eintrag( @file ){ if( $eintrag =~ /\%\%(.*)\%\%/ ){ my $keyword = $1; unless( exists $subs{$keyword} ){ push @err, "Wert nicht gesetzt: $keyword\n"; $subs{$keyword} = ""; } unless( $eintrag =~ s/\Q$&\E/$subs{$keyword}/g ){ print STDERR "Fehler beim ersetzen!\n"; } print STDERR "ersetzte: $& mit $eintrag\n"; } } print STDERR @err; return @file; } #substitute # --------------------------------------------------------