use Mysql; use FindBin (); my $DB_TABLE = "drow_dictionary"; my $LANG0 = "Drow"; my $LANG1 = "Common"; my $NOTES = "Notes"; my $dbh = "localhost"; require ""; # Contains database credentials &loadDictionary( "words.txt" ); sub loadDictionary { my( $DICTFILE ) = $FindBin::RealBin . $_[0]; #$DICTFILE = $FindBin::Bin . $DICTFILE; #sub loadDictionary { my( $DICTFILE ) = $_[0]; my( @lines ); # Read in the dictionary into memory print "Reading file '$DICTFILE'..."; open( DICTFILE, "$DICTFILE" ) || die( "Couldn't open file: $!" );; my( @filelines ) = ; close( DICTFILE ); foreach $line (@filelines) { push( @lines, $line ) if( $line =~ m/\w/ ); } @filelines = (); print (0+@lines)." lines read.\n"; print "Sorting..."; @lines = sort( @lines ); print "Done.\n"; # Setup Database Connection $dbh = Mysql->connect( undef, $DATABASE, $DB_USERNAME, $DB_PASSWORD ) || die( "Could not establish database connection: ".$Mysql::db_errstr ); $dbh->query( "delete from $DB_TABLE" ); # Cycle through lines, adding them into database my( $query ) ="insert into $DB_TABLE ($LANG0, $LANG1, $NOTES) values "; foreach $line (@lines ) { my( $notes ) = ""; # Simple word0=word1 line $line =~ s/\`/\'/g; # Change back-quotes to normal quotes $line =~ s/\_/\ /g; # Change underscores to spaces $line =~ s/\+/\ /g; # Change plusses to spaces if( $line =~ m/^([\w\-\'\s\,\+]*)\=(.*)/ ) { $word1 = $1; $word2 = $2; # Get rid of email address of contributed words if( $word2 =~ m/\=/ ) { $word2 = $`; } # Extract notes if any if( $word2 =~ m/\((.*)\)/) { $notes = $1; $notes =~ s/\'/\\\'/g; $word2 = $`; } # Make SQL safe, replace '+'s with spaces $word1 =~ s/\'/\\\'/g; $word2 =~ s/\'/\\\'/g; # Split if it has commas my( @words1, @words2 ); if( $word1 =~ m/\,/ ) { @words1 = split( ',', $word1 ); } else { @words1 = ($word1); } if( $word2 =~ m/\,/ ) { @words2 = split( ',', $word2 ); } else { @words2 = ($word2); } # Do all combinations if has commas foreach $word1 (@words1) { foreach $word2 (@words2) { $word1 = &trim( $word1 ); $word2 = &trim( $word2 ); if( $notes eq "" ) { &runQuery( $query."('$word1','$word2', null)" ); } else { &runQuery( $query."('$word1','$word2', '$notes')" ); } } } } else { warn( "Can't parse line ==$line==\n" ); } } } sub runQuery { my( $query ) = $_[0]; #print "$query\n\n"; print '.'; $dbh->query( $query ); if( $dbh->errmsg ne "" ) { warn( "Database Error: ".$dbh->errmsg."
$_[0]" ); #$dbh->errmsg = ""; } } # Trims whitespace off start and end of string sub trim { my( @asz, $sz ); @asz = @_; foreach $sz (@asz) { $sz =~ s/^\s*(.*)$/$1/; ($sz = $`) if ($sz =~ m/\s*$/); } return wantarray() ? @asz : $asz[0]; }