Thread Perl Get-Methoden Problem (7 answers)
Opened by Gast at 2008-10-13 22:13

Gast Gast
 2008-10-14 15:10
#115503 #115503
Aus der pod von

Separate the name=value pairs in CGI parameter query strings with semicolons rather than ampersands. For example:

Semicolon-delimited query strings are always accepted, but will not be emitted by self_url() and query_string() unless the -newstyle_urls pragma is specified.

This became the default in version 2.64.

Separate the name=value pairs in CGI parameter query strings with ampersands rather than semicolons. This is no longer the default.

Wenn du also das alte Verhalten mit & als Trenner willst:
Code: (dl )
use CGI qw(-oldstyle_urls);

Du musst halt wissen wie die Daten versandt werden, ob mit & oder mit ; als Trenner!

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