Thread Vertikale Spaltenbeschriftung für table (HTML) (72 answers)
Opened by bianca at 2010-08-01 20:39

 2010-08-02 13:51
#140234 #140234
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Mit GD::Font->load kannst du nur die internen Fonts oder GD-Font-Dateien laden.

Unter steht:
For more fonts, compile libgd with TrueType support and use the stringFT() call.

TrueType ist laut CPAN mit der Methode stringFT zu laden:
@bounds = $image->stringFT($fgcolor,$fontname,$ptsize,$angle,$x,$y,$string,\%options)

This method uses TrueType to draw a scaled, antialiased string using the TrueType vector font of your choice. It requires that libgd to have been compiled with TrueType support, and for the appropriate TrueType font to be installed on your system.
die Drachin, Gwendolyn

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