Thread [Tk::bind] Verbesserungsvorschläge gesucht (4 answers)
Opened by pktm at 2011-03-11 12:56

 2011-03-13 11:15
#146456 #146456
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So, habe das ganze mal in ein abgeleitetes Widget umgewandelt, eventuell kann es ja jemand gebrauchen.

more (5.5kb):

package Tk::TipEntry;

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.01';

use strict;
use warnings;
use Tk;
use Tk::Entry;

use base qw(Tk::Derived Tk::Entry);

Construct Tk::Widget 'TipEntry';

=head1 NAME

Tk::TipEntry - An entry with tooltip in the entry if it's empty


use strict;
use Tk::TipEntry;

my $entry = $parent->FilterEntry(
-tip => 'Search...', # will be the default hint text when entry is empty


This widget is derived from L<Tk::Entry>. It implements an other kind of
tooltip, that is displayed inside the entry when it's empty.
The tooltip will be removed, if the entry gets the focus and reinserted, if
the entry loses the focus and it's value is empty (C<$entry->get() eq ''>).

In addition, the entry evaluates the escape-key. If the entry has the focus
and the escape-key is pressed, the original input will be restored. If there
is no previous input, the tooltip will be displayed again.

=head1 OPTIONS

Any option exept the -tip will be passed to the construktor of the
L<Tk::Entry>. The -text option is altered minimally.

=head2 -tip
(new option)

Specify the tooltip, that will be displayed.

The default value is 'Search...'.

=head2 -text
(altered option)

If there is no -text attribute for the Entry, the tooltip will be set initially
as default text. Specify -text if you want another initial input.

The default value is the same as for -tip.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 ClassInit( $class, $mw )

Bind FocusIn, FocusOut and Escape to events.


sub ClassInit {
my ($class, $mw) = @_;


$mw->bind($class, '<FocusIn>' => \&FocusIn);
$mw->bind($class, '<FocusOut>' => \&FocusOut);
$mw->bind($class, '<Escape>' => \&Escape);
} # /ClassInit

=head2 Populate( \%args )

Set default for -tip, unless specified. Set -text initially to -tip, unless


sub Populate {
my ($self, $args) = @_;

# -- check for undef tip value
my $default_tip = 'Search...';
if( !exists($args->{-tip}) or ( exists($args->{-tip}) and !defined($args->{-tip})) ) {
$args->{-tip} = $default_tip;

unless( exists $args->{-text} ) {
$args->{-text} = $args->{-tip};


-tip => ['PASSIVE', 'tip', 'Tip', $default_tip],
-previous => ['PASSIVE', 'previous', undef, undef],
} # /Populate

=head2 FocusIn()

When the entry gets the focus, the tooltip will be removed.


sub FocusIn {
my $self = shift;

my $default_text = $self->cget('-tip');

if( $self->get() eq $default_text ) {
$self->delete(0, 'end');
$self->configure(-previous => undef);
$self->configure(-previous => $self->get());

return 1;
} # /FocusIn

=head2 FocusOut()

When the entry loses the focus and if it's empty, the tooltip will be inserted.


sub FocusOut {
my $self = shift;

my $default_text = $self->cget('-tip');

if( $self->get() eq '' ) {
$self->insert(0, $default_text);
$self->configure(-previous => undef);
}elsif( $self->get() eq $default_text ) {
$self->configure(-previous => undef);
$self->configure(-previous => $self->get());

return 1;
} # /FocusOut

=head2 Escape()

If the escape key is pressed, the current input will be discarded. The
previous input will be inserted. If there is no previous input, the -tip will
be the new input.


sub Escape {
my $self = shift;

my $default_text = $self->cget('-tip');
my $previous_input = $self->cget('-previous');

if( defined($previous_input) and $self->get() ne $previous_input ) {
$self->delete(0, 'end');
$self->insert(0, $previous_input);


return 1;
} # /Escape

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Tk>, L<Tk::Entry>, L<Tk::FilterEntry>


Copyright (C) 2011 by Alexander Becker

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.12.2 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

=head1 AUTHOR

This module was designed after L<Tk::FilterEntry>. Many thanks to the german
perl community L<>.

Alexander Becker, E<lt>c a p f a n -at- g m x -dot- d eE<gt>


1; # /Tk::TipEntry (mein erstes CMS :) )

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