Thread Term::Choose (13 answers)
Opened by Kuerbis at 2012-07-27 18:58

 2014-07-15 11:20
#176445 #176445
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This announcement has no meaning if the operating system is not a MSWin32 operating system.

If the operating system is MSWin32 Term::Choose disables the Windows own codepage conversion globally by printing the "\e(U" escape sequence - see "\e(U" in Win32::Console::ANSI.

In a future release of Term::Choose the disabling of the Windows own codepage conversion will be removed by removing the "\e(U" escape sequence.

You can already now enabling the Windows own codepage conversion by setting the environment variable TC_KEEP_WINDOWS_MAPPING to a true value.

If you want keep the Windows own codepage conversion disabled add

use Win32::Console::ANSI;

print "\e(U";

to your code.

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