Thread ExifTool unter Strawberry 64 bit - Installationsprobleme (4 answers)
Opened by jan99 at 2015-05-27 08:54

 2015-05-27 08:54
#181189 #181189
User since
439 Artikel
Moin !

ich habe da einmal wieder ein Problem.

Auf einem 32bit-Rechner habe ich gestern die ExifTool problemlos installiert und betreiben können.

Dann wollte ich das noch auf einem 64bit-Rechner machen und bekomme folgende Meldung beim Wiederholten male der Installation:

C:\Users\tappenbeck>perl -MCPAN -e shell

There seems to be running another CPAN process (pid 4352). Contacting...
Other job not responding. Shall I overwrite the lockfile 'C:\strawberry\cpan\.lo
ck'? (Y/n) [y] y

cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v2.00)
Enter 'h' for help.

cpan> install Image::ExifTool
Database was generated on Tue, 26 May 2015 18:27:07 GMT

Running install for module 'Image::ExifTool'
Running make for E/EX/EXIFTOOL/Image-ExifTool-9.90.tar.gz
Checksum for C:\strawberry\cpan\sources\authors\id\E\EX\EXIFTOOL\Image-ExifTool-
9.90.tar.gz ok
Scanning cache C:\strawberry\cpan\build for sizes

Catching error: "Couldn't move C:\\strawberry\\cpan\\build\\tmp-2868\\Image-Exif
Tool-9.90\\html to C:\\strawberry\\cpan\\build\\Image-ExifTool-9.90-_jrV4W\\html
: No such file or directory at C:\\strawberry\\perl\\lib/CPAN/ li
ne 528.\cJ\cICPAN::Distribution::run_preps_on_packagedir(CPAN::Distribution=HASH
(0x36456bc)) called at C:\\strawberry\\perl\\lib/CPAN/ line 355\c
J\cICPAN::Distribution::get(CPAN::Distribution=HASH(0x36456bc)) called at C:\\st
rawberry\\perl\\lib/CPAN/ line 1760\cJ\cICPAN::Distribution::make
(CPAN::Distribution=HASH(0x36456bc)) called at C:\\strawberry\\perl\\lib/CPAN/Di line 3088\cJ\cICPAN::Distribution::test(CPAN::Distribution=HASH(0x
36456bc)) called at C:\\strawberry\\perl\\lib/CPAN/ line 3480\cJ\
cICPAN::Distribution::install(CPAN::Distribution=HASH(0x36456bc)) called at C:\\
strawberry\\perl\\lib/CPAN/ line 479\cJ\cIeval {...} called at C:\\stra
wberry\\perl\\lib/CPAN/ line 478\cJ\cICPAN::Module::rematein(CPAN::Modu
le=HASH(0x3645254), \"install\") called at C:\\strawberry\\perl\\lib/CPAN/Module
.pm line 578\cJ\cICPAN::Module::install(CPAN::Module=HASH(0x3645254)) called at
C:\\strawberry\\perl\\lib/CPAN/ line 1797\cJ\cICPAN::Shell::rematein(\"C
PAN::Shell\", \"install\", \"Image::ExifTool\") called at C:\\strawberry\\perl\\
lib/CPAN/ line 1977\cJ\cICPAN::Shell::__ANON__(\"CPAN::Shell\", \"Image:
:ExifTool\") called at C:/strawberry/perl/lib/ line 376\cJ\cIeval {...} c
alled at C:/strawberry/perl/lib/ line 373\cJ\cICPAN::shell() called at -e
line 1\cJ" at C:/strawberry/perl/lib/ line 392.
CPAN::shell() called at -e line 1


Kann mir einer weiterhelfen bei den Fehlermeldungen ?

Gruß Jan
perl-Greenhorn - Win7 64bit / strawberry (ehem. activeperl) -

View full thread ExifTool unter Strawberry 64 bit - Installationsprobleme