Thread socket / sysread - Probleme (2 answers)
Opened by esskar at 2005-02-28 17:55

 2005-02-28 17:55
#37902 #37902
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7321 Artikel

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perldoc -f ord
   ord EXPR
   ord     Returns the numeric (the native 8-bit encoding, like ASCII or
           EBCDIC, or Unicode) value of the first character of EXPR.

Don't use functions you do not understand!
If you don't understand WHAT are they doing, and how do control what are they doing, simply don't use them. You don't have to know HOW are they doing it, but if you don't feel you understand properly how to use them ... ask someone to help you with the code, let someone review the code, read the documentation ten more times or use something else
--Jenda Krynicky



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