Thread Win32::GUI: the -style option is deprecated! (4 answers)
Opened by Gast at 2007-07-09 12:23

Gast Gast
 2007-07-09 12:23
#46571 #46571

Ich habe immer Error Outout:
Win32::GUI: the -style option is deprecated! at C:/Perl/site/lib/Win32/ line 276, <DATA> line 164.

Linie 276 das ist:
my $handle = Win32::GUI::Create($self, $type, @input);

im Sub:

sub _new {
# this is always Win32::GUI (class of _new):
my $xclass = shift;

# the window type passed by new():
my $type = shift;

# this is the real class:
my $class = shift;

my %tier;
my $oself = $tier{-OSELF} = {};
tie %tier, $class, $oself;
my $self = bless \%tier, $class;

# print "OSELF = $oself\n";
# print " SELF = $self\n";

my (@input) = @_;
# print "PM(Win32::GUI::_new) self='$self' type='$type' input='@input'\n";
my $handle = Win32::GUI::Create($self, $type, @input);

if($handle) {
return $self;
} else {
return undef;

Was ist falsch ?


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