Thread flock with pidHdl: FLOCK: Bareword "pidHdl" not allowed whi (5 answers)
Opened by Rufio at 2005-02-25 21:16

 2005-02-26 01:27
#52155 #52155
User since
7 Artikel
ich bin nicht sicher ob das ernst gemeint war, trotzdem habe ich es ausprobiert.

Bareword "PIDHDL" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at C:/xampp/cgi-bin/ line 18. Bareword "PIDHDL" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at C:/xampp/cgi-bin/ line 22. Bareword "PIDHDL" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at C:/xampp/cgi-bin/ line 24.

View full thread flock with pidHdl: FLOCK: Bareword "pidHdl" not allowed whi