Thread Unicode (ä, ö, ü in German) Problem with File::Fi (9 answers)
Opened by TeddyC at 2003-09-01 18:11

 2003-09-02 15:49
#82720 #82720
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Well, I am not sure about the question either. I thought, that Crian solved your problem, or didn't he?
What do you mean by 'debugging Komodo'?
I just upvoted your thread on Perlmonks, because I thought it is well written for a beginner. On the other hand, I thought Crian solved it...
Please describe the remaining problem(s) more precisely.
jeden 2. mittwoch im monat
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$l=join('',map chr,(116,110,105,114,112))if$^T;
!!$$?@_=qw(Jhfg Aabgure Prey Hnpxre):$l=1;
for(@_){eval reverse($l)."'"._(_(_($_))).' \''}
sub _{$_=~y+a-z+n-za-m+and pop}

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