Thread Wie oft soll es neue Rätsel geben? (34 answers)
Opened by Crian at 2004-07-22 13:58

 2004-07-22 20:47
#84774 #84774
User since
704 Artikel
schoene fangfrage, ishka hihihi 8)
dazu haette ich auch noch was:

a traveller has fallen among cannibals. they offer him the opportunity to make a statement, attaching the conditions that if his statement be true, he will be boiled, and if it be false, he will be roasted. what statement should he make?

den titel des buches schreib ich net hin (ist abschreckend), wer ihn wissen will, pn.
-- stefan

View full thread Wie oft soll es neue Rätsel geben?