Thread major + minor faults: sar -B (7 answers)
Opened by bloonix at 2006-06-02 19:34

 2006-06-02 19:34
#95649 #95649
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Hallo Leute,

in der Manpage von sar steht folgendes zu major + minor faults:

Number of page faults (major + minor) made by the system per second (post 2.5 kernels only).
This is not a count of page faults that generate I/O, because some page faults can be resolved
without I/O.

Aber was sind major + minor faults genau? Unter "faults" verstehe ich
Fehler, aber das scheint hier nicht zuzutreffen. Ich habe auch schon
gesucht, aber keine gute Doku hierzu gefunden.

Weiß jemand, was da genau passiert?

What is a good module? That's hard to say.
What is good code? That's also hard to say.
One man's Thing of Beauty is another's man's Evil Hack.

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