Thread spezielles RegEx: *derderkeinregexkann* (19 answers)
Opened by RPerl at 2006-12-01 15:04

 2006-12-01 16:59
#72136 #72136
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1615 Artikel
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[quote=GwenDragon,01.12.2006, 15:49]
Code: (dl )
print "$1\n" while ($html =~ /sid=([a-f\d]+)"/g);
Die doppelten Hochkomma braucht man nicht. Geht auch ohne :)

What is a good module? That's hard to say.
What is good code? That's also hard to say.
One man's Thing of Beauty is another's man's Evil Hack.

View full thread spezielles RegEx: *derderkeinregexkann*